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UGC Skill Development Centre

The College is amongst the forerunners in running UGC Skill Based courses successfully. The College has established a Skill Development Centre in separate building named ‘Swami Dayanad Saraswati Saksham Kendra’ in August 2014 exclusively for UGC sponsored B.Voc. and Community College Courses.
UGC sanctioned total Grant of Rs. 3.32 Crores for starting Community College and B.Voc Courses : UGC Community College in 2014 sanctioned 92.3 lakhs for Advance Diploma in Medical Lab Technology.UGC Community College in 2015 sanctioned 69.16 lakhs for Diploma in Cosmetology and Beauty Care.UGC B.Voc Courses in 2015 sanctioned 1.7 Crores for B.Voc. in Food Science and Technology and B.Voc. in Medical Lab Technology.
During the interface meeting regarding the performance of Community College at UGC in February, 2016, the college got additional grant of Rs 62.3 Lakhs for the extension of courses.
The college had been successfully running four skill courses under UGC B.Voc. and community college scheme.
B.Voc. in Medical lab Technology
B.Voc. in Food Science and Technology
Diploma in Cosmetology and Beauty Care
Advance Diploma in Medical lab Technology.
UGC has also approved one B.Voc. and 4 P.G. Diploma courses in the session 2019-20.
B.Voc. in Hospital Administration and Management
P.G. Diploma in Hospital Management
P.G. Diploma in Food Processing and Quality Control
P.G. Diploma in Cosmetology and Beauty Care
P.G. Diploma in Telesales and Medical Sales Representative
The Centre has Nine Labs, One IT Lab and Classrooms.
There will be intake of 50 students in each course.
Food Science and Technology Labs

Food Science and Technology Labs
Food Science and Technology Labs

Medical Lab Technology Lab
Medical Lab Technology Lab

Medical Lab Technology Lab

Cosmetology and Beauty Care Lab
Cosmetology and Beauty Care Lab

Cosmetology and Beauty Care Lab
To impart quality education in vocational, technical and industrial streams as per the need of the industry and society.
To make all-out efforts for the overall development of the personality of the students.
To equip students to gain fruitful employment.
To train students to work in hospitals, research laboratories, food industries, public health institutes, industrial laboratories and in academic institutions.
They can work independently and may be an important part of a healthcare team.
Apart from just laboratory usage, leaning of many techniques having scientific and industrial applications.
The courses are designed with the following objectives,
This Vocational course is designed to bridge the potential skill gaps identified by the National Skill Development Council (NSDC).
The curriculum is a suitable mix of general education and skill development components.
To integrate NSQF within undergraduate level in order to enhance employability and meet industry requirements.
To provide vertical mobility to students coming out of 10+2 with vocational subjects.
The curriculum in each of the years of the programme would be a suitable mix of general education and skill development components.
The General Components of all B.Voc. Courses were assessed by Panjab University Chandigarh.
The Skill component of all courses were assessed and certified by the respective Sector Skill Councils.
These courses have multiple exit points and successfully completing a year (2-Semesters) the candidate will be awarded Diploma. Advance Diploma will be awarded after completing four semesters and B.Voc. Degree will be awarded after six semesters.
After the successful completion of each Level student will become eligible for particular job role.
Skill Center Nominated by UGC - UGC has nominated the Skill Centre of the college as a Model Skill Centre. Dr. Nikhil Kumar, Education Officer, UGC New Delhi has brought a delegation of nine persons including six from Australia, two from Australian High Commission New Delhi to the Skill Development Center in February 2014. The Australian team comprised of Ms Patricia Thompson, A/Director, TAFE Directors Australia, Ms Jayne Miller, Director Business Growth and Transformation, Brand and Business Development, Canberra Institute of Technology (CIT), Ms Denise Madden, Head of Department, People Development, Canberra Institute of Technology (CIT), Ms Greta Lane, Director Product Development & Higher Education TAFE NSW – Northern Sydney Institute, Mr Gerrard Amos, Manager Compliance and Assurance – TAFE Queensland South West and Mr Marty Burgess, Faculty Director for Trades and Technology TAFE NSW - Illawarra Institute. Ms. Shazia Naqvi and Ms. Anu Jain from Australian High Commission, New Delhi accompanied the delegation.
Representatives of Seven Colleges from all over India were selected by UGC to visit Australia under VELT (Vocational Educational Leadership Training) Program in 2016. Dr. Manju Dewan, Nodal Officer from the college was one of them. VELT-II has three phases. Under Phase-I of VELT-II, 33 Nodal Officers of Community College a 3-days workshop held at the Australian High Commission (AHC) from 25th to 27th of June, 2014. Under Phase-II of VELT-II, 7 Nodal Officer of UGC visited Australia for a week from 23rd to 27th of February 2015 and get first-hand experience on imparting of vocational education and training by the TAFE Institutions. Under Phase-III of TDA VELT-II, a workshop was organized in New Delhi at AHC for review and mentoring where all the participants of Phase-I participated to interact with the identified cluster leaders during Phase-II during February 15-18 2016.
UKIERI Workshop - Dr. Manju Dewan, Nodal officer was nominated by UGC New Delhi for attending UKIIERI (UK-India Education and Research Initiative) workshop. 30 persons from all over India were nominated by UGC to attend the workshop. The workshop was fully funded by the UK-India Governments. It was held at Lalit Hotel New Delhi from February 29 to March 5, 2016.
SESSION 2014-15
The Department of Medical Lab Technology was established in the year 2014 under UGC Community College Scheme.
Today Department has State of Art Labs and Latest Equipments used in the Medical Diagnostic Labs.
Department train students to work in hospitals, public health institutes, industrial laboratories and in colleges.
On February 9-10, 2015, Students and staff of the department visited Punjabi University Patiala to attend International workshop organized by The Department of Sports Sciences.
On March 16, 2015 Students Visited labs of Gian Sagar Medical College & Hospital, Banur to see the working of labs there.
Department of Medical Lab Technology has organized Hands on Workshop on Medical Lab Techniques from March 21-27, 2015.
Experienced Technologists from PGI, SGGS-26 Chandigarh, Gian Sagar Medical College & Hospital Banur were invited to deliver the lecture and to provide the hand on experience to the students:
Dr. Malkit, Department of Microbiology, PGIMER
Dr. Ashwinder, Department of Biochemistry, PGIMER
Dr. Jogeshwar, Department of Haematology, PGIMER
Mr. S.B. Lal (Microbiologist and Haematologist), PGIMER
Dr. Pankaj Kaul, Department of Hisopathology, PGIMER
Ms. Chaffy Sachdeva, Gian Sagar Medical College & Hospital Banur.
Dr. Amit Joshi, Department of Biotechnology, SGGS College, Chandigarh
Dr. Jasvinder Bhatti, Head, Department of Biotechnology, SGGS College, Chandigarh
Dr. Raman Soni, Department of Biotech, DAV College-10 Chandigarh
Mr. Sham Lal, M/s Seven Star Ltd.
SESSION 2015-16
Organized workshop on Winter Hair Care & hair do’s on 30.11.15 by Ms Harpreet from Revive Saloon & Spa.
Organized workshop on tanning and pigmentation from on Feb.18 & 20, 2016 by Looks Herbal, New Delhi.
Organized workshop on skin treatment, bridal make up and Nail Extensions on Feb.26, 2016 by 99 Academy and Beauty salon.
Organized workshop on Hair Cut, Blow dry and Hair Do’s on March 2, 2016 by Mr. Roop Lal (John) from Headmasters Saloon Sector 8,Chandigarh.
SESSION 2016-17
Spiral therapy Seminar by Dr. Satish Kumar on 6th August 2016.
A lecture and demonstration was organized by 99 Academy and Beauty salon on air brush makeup on 17, Sept. 2016.
A visit to 99-Academy and lecture on various hair spa technique and hair care was organized on 24th Sep 2016.
A workshop of Hair Cut, Shampoo and conditioning by Mr. John from
Headmasters on 29th Sep 2016. -
Guest lectures on general microbiology and food lab equipments on 12th March, 2016.
Organized seminar on Basics of Microbiology by Prof S.K. Soni and Prof. Naveen Gupta from Department of Microbiology, Panjab University, Chandigarh on February 18, 2017.
Organized guest lecture on March 18, 2017 on First Aid by Dr. Rakesh Khullar from Health Centre, Panjab University, Chandigarh.
SESSION 2017-18
A visit was organized to attend Diva Talk Mega Bridal Seminar on 13.10.17 at Baba Makhan Shah Lobana Bhawan,Sector 30A, Chandigarh.
Organized guest lecture on April 1, 2017 on Importance of breakfast and cancer patients’ case study by Ms Diviyaa Mahajan from PGIMER.
Organized guest lecture on April 18, 2017 on Neutraceuticals by Dr. Harish Kumar from Punjabi University, Patiala.
Organized guest lecture on November 11, 2017 on By Prof Naveen Gupta, Department of Microbiology, Panjab University, Chandigarh.
Faculty and Students attended DIVA TALK MEGA BRIDAL seminar on 13.10.17.
SESSION 2018-19
A visit was organized to Tress Lounge on 5.2.18-6.02.18 for two days workshop to acquaint the students with the working of a professional saloon.
A workshop on Body Polishing and Body spa was organized at college by Mrs. Chanda Gupta on 27.02.18
A workshop on Hair Cut and hair styling was organized Mr. John from
Headmasters at college by on 1.03.18. -
Organized guest lecture on August 18, 2018 on Role of Supplements in Food by Dr. Harish Kumar from Punjabi University, Patiala.
Organized guest lecture on March 14, 2019 on Functional Foods and Cancer By Ms. Diviyaa Mahajan from PGIMER , Chandigarh
Organized guest lecture on April 6, 2019 on Hospital Acquired Infections By Mr. Puneet Munjal from PGIMER , Chandigarh.
Organized guest lecture on April 10, 2019 on Building Effective Resume and interviewing skills By Dr. Dilpreet Sherwal.
SESSION 2019-20
Organized Seminar on Organ Donation Awareness in Collaboration with Department of Botany and PGIMER, Chandigarh on September 13, 2019.
Organized Seminar on We Become What We Think by Shri Hita Ambrish ji on September 17, 2019.
2 teachers and 20 students from D.A.V College sector -10 Chandigarh attended CME to commemorate World cancer day on 4-2-2020 in Auditorium GMSH-16. It laid stress on role of biomedical lab Scientists in detection, screening, treatment of cancer.
A visit was organized to Aroma, Sector 22 and attended seminar on August 26, 2019 on Bridal makeup and Contouring techniques.
A workshop on Haircut and blow dryer By Mr Varinder from Orane Institute, Chandigarh was on 4.02.2020.
A workshop on hair Styling By Miss Purnima from Apsara Saloon, Panchkula was on 6.02.2020.

Computer Lab
Computer Lab

Computer Lab

Seminars/workshops /Industrial Visits
Seminars/workshops /Industrial Visits

Seminars/workshops /Industrial Visits
Seminars/workshops /Industrial Visits

Seminars/workshops /Industrial Visits
Visit of Australian Delegation to Skill Development Centre

Visit of Australian Delegation to Skill Development Centre
Visit of Australian Delegation to Skill Development Centre

Visit of Australian Delegation to Skill Development Centre

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